FAQ Video Library 

What is Hospice?


Hospice is a type of care that provides comfort and improves quality of life to those who have a prognosis of 6 months or less.

What is Palliative Care?


Palliative is a concept of care to alleviate pain and symptoms for people that suffer from chronic conditions that are not terminally ill.

What does hospice pay for?


Medicare, medicaid, and most insurance companies cover hospice services. This includes medication, medical equipment, medical supplies, and more.

What is an interdisciplinary team?


The interdisciplinary team includes nursing staff, doctors, CNAs, counselors, social workers, chaplain, and volunteers.


Who pays for hospice?


If you have medicare or medicaid, there is a hospice benefit. If you have private insurance, our program will help determine what coverage you have available. 

Are there any special ways to remember my loved one?


The Gulfside wall of caring lovingly displays your loved one's names forever. Our butterfly garden also has beautifully designed pathways of engraved benches and bricks that are filled with inspirational messages to help honor your loved ones.


How did hospice help me?


Gulfside Hospice helped me in 2006 when my father became very ill, was in a lot of pain, and my mother could no longer take care of him at home.

How do donations help?


Donations to Gulfside Hospice help to provide medication, nursing care, bereavement services, and spiritual support to our patients in their final days.


Why does hospice need donations?


Hospice care may not be readily available in the future without the support that comes from donations.

How do I donate to the Gulfside Hospice Thrift Shoppes?


Gulfside Hospice Thrift Shoppes are always in need of donations. We have pickup available for larger items!


How does Gulfside help the entire community?


We partner with several like-minded organizations and offer community events like educational seminars, presentations, medical training for CPR and first aid, and support groups for caregivers and those facing a loss.

Why is Gulfside a great place to work?


Gulfside works together as a team to help our patients. Working at Gulfside, I can live, work, and give back to my community every day.

Consumer Quarterback Show

Dr. Lisa Barker, Medical Director



Lindsay Cole, Director of Clinical Services, with Ashley Monteath, Social Worker, and Frank DiPronio, Chaplain.




Kathy Postiglione, COO & Sr. VP of Business Development



Carla Armstrong, Director of Philanthropy




Allison Maughn, Chief Financial Officer



Linda Ward, President & CEO of Gulfside with Andrew Williams, Chief Operating Officer at Medfleet Ambulance Services